Pluralisation of transitions

5. Good practices

5.2. Social responsibility: social time bank

Elderly men are often not activein the community, which is why it is crucial to find good motivation for their greater inclusion. They can use their free time to benefit everyone. One of the ways to do so is Social Time Bank – an informal network of service exchange, where one can offer their knowledge and experience to help others (for example computer classes, language classes, etc.), they share their interests and passions. Participants cooperate with each other, develop attitude of social responsibility, develop social contacts and fulfil the need to be heard and useful.

Do you recognise this idea of Social Time Banks in your community? Would you say something like this is already happening in your community?

Source: Tomasz Schimanek, Social activation of elderly people (Aktywizacja społeczna osób starszych)

Take a look at the example of good practice from Poland: MRS Poznań.